Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Cooking with the Glenn’s-Time for tomato’s

Time for Tomato’s It’s that time again in the Carolina’s. The beautiful crop of tomatoes is here so what is more appropriate than ways to use them.

Key to increasing your capacity

Business Owners & Entrepreneurs, Conventional Wisdom Says To Shun Partners,Preston Wilson Says Partners Can Be The Key To Your Growth.

Live Fit Health Club

Live Fit Health Club is a new venture, and a dream come true for Belmont native Jonathan Logan. Located on East Catawba in Belmont, Live Fit is the first health club of its kind in this area.

Cooking with the Glenns-Mahi-Mahi

Last Saturday night Glenn and I and our wives got together for an impromptu dinner. We have not had the chance to just throw something together in a while. Glenn had gone to the local grocer and picked up some Mahi-Mahi, and this became the base for our dinner.

Blues Outback Concert Series-by Ben Dugan

Summer is almost upon us. And that means Abe Reid will be bringing his brand of blues back to the Gaston County Museum for its annual Blues Out Back Concert Series beginning Friday, May 14.

Springtime in the Garden

I am continuing my love affair with spring in my garden with roses of peach, burgundy, pink and yellow. Their smell is the pure essence of spring. My new irises complete with the roses with fragrances of grape, melon and lemon.