Blues Outback Concert Series-by Ben Dugan


Abe is no stranger to Blues Out Back. He played the inaugural series back in 1999. And he’s been invited back every year since.

Abe likes to mix his original songs with some of the familiar standards. It’s what makes him a crowd favorite among concert goers. He even likes to throw in a few kids songs along the way.

But Abe has cut back on his touring as of late. When you have been playing music professionally for as long as he has, it can wear you down. He now splits his time between his music and his new role as a stay-at-home dad. And as a father to two young girls, you know he has plenty to keep him busy.

Abe doesn’t miss the long nights playing in the bars and clubs. However, he still enjoys playing shows for families and kids. That’s what makes his Blues Out Back performances so special.

In the eleven years that Blues Out Back has been going on, only two shows have been affected by the weather. One show had to be canceled, and the other time it was moved inside. That time involved Abe Reid.

Abe had already begun playing outside when the rain began to fall. At that point, Abe and the crowd all piled into the Gathering Room at the Museum, where the performance resumed. Only this time, it was unplugged.

For the ones who stuck around, they were treated to an intimate performance by Abe. Between the acoustics of the room, and the sound of Abe’s foot stomping on the hardwood floor, it’s a performance that Jeff Pruett, Programs Coordinator for the Museum, will never forget.

Abe even played a special rendition of Sesame Street on his harmonica for all of the kids in the room. Now that’s Abe at his best.

And if it were up to him, he’d prefer to play his music for kids. He grew up with music all around him, and he loves to share it with others.

So when Abe Reid takes the stage out on the back lawn of the Museum for the twelfth time, you can count on a great night of music. But don’t forget to bring the kids. Even they may recognize a tune or two.

For more information on Abe Reid, visit him online at