Painted Tree Boutique comes to Gastonia


We were early to the movies the other night, and my wife wanted to go in something called the Painted Tree Boutique. My heart sank, because I didn’t want to be late for the movie, and also because I was pretty sure that this was another junk/antiques(?) place that had taken over an old retail space. Boy was I wrong.

First of all, the place is bright and clean. There are individual stall or spaces, but they are all nice. I didn’t see used anything. No used clothes, books, magazines, shoes , or electronics. There are several boutiques, socks, candles, housewares, earrings, home decor, and much more. So a big variety.

Evidently this is the 31st Painted Tree Boutique. Some vendors are in multiple stores, and the booth owners don’t have to be present. I was there on a weekday morning and it was hopping.

The New Painted Tree Boutique is at 3704 East Franklin Boulevard, down from Books A Million.