We have discussed Caprese Salads (a Glenn and Glenn favorite and oh so easy) but how about some terrific fresh tomato sauce to continue our thoughts on sauces.
Friends of mine grow such a wide variety of heirloom tomatoes and even the classic varieties all are as sweet as the morning sun and just begging to be used fresh or in our sauces
This is a very flexible base that can be used for pizza, fish, eggs and even meatloaf. A bit of herbs added to this base changes the whole sauce but retains the bright fresh taste of our Southern tomatoes.
Start with a nice 2 ½ quart saucepan cook ¼ cup each of finely diced carrots, onions and shallots in 3 TBs of butter with 2 TBs of finely chopped bacon. Cook without letting this brown about 10 minutes
To the veggies and bacon mix add 1 ½ TBs flour and cook on low heat for
another 2-3 minutes, add one 14 ounce can of beef stock. Stir in 4 cups or about two pounds of chopped fresh tomatoes, ¼ tsp salt, 1/8 tsp sugar, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 parsley sprigs, 1 bay leaf and ¼ tsp thyme.

This needs to be simmered for at least an hour and potentially two hours to create a rich thick sauce. Skim the sauce during the cooking. Add a bit of red wine during the cooking process if it gets too thick.
Once done this sauce can be canned for use during the winter or, you can keep it refrigerated / frozen.
Anytime you want to add some summer tomato to a dish this sauce will serve as a base to bring a zesty rich tomato flavor to the sauce.
Other options for your fresh tomatoes’, diced with some basil chiffonade on a cheese omelet, the classic tomato or BLT sandwich, layered with any of the other fresh vegetables of the season which have been lightly sautéed or grilled in a stack. Their ripe goodness knows no bounds, be creative and surprise yourself and those with whom you dine. Till next month.
Glenn & Glenn