Caprese Salad Cocktail


I know we have talked about Caprese Salad before, but I wanted to present this variation that has become very popular around my house. It’s easy and presents very well. The flavors meld in the salad and it offers options on how it can be used.

The ingredients remain the same in general but there are some variations.

  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Mozzarella balls (about 1” in diameter usually prepared in olive oil)
  • Fresh Basil Leaves
  • Olive Oil (you can use the oil from the Mozzarella balls if they come that way) Balsamic Vinegar (preferably aged or infused)
  • Salt & Pepper

I rinse the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. The Mozzarella I use is already in one inch balls so I just cut them in half. You could use other ‘mutz’ and cut it down. The basil I cut chiffonade, which is a preparation method that literally means ‘made of rags’. The technique is to stack the basil leaves then roll and cut across the vein of the leaf in one eighth inch thick strips. With the basil chiffonade the thin strips mix well with the other ingredients to create a nice melding of flavors.

Since you can make the recipe for one or a dozen I won’t give measurements but more ratios, assume one quarter cup of tomatoes and an equal amount of mozzarella with 2-3 basil leaves (depending on size) with one half teaspoon each of oil and balsamic per person served as a side dish. Increase if the Caprese is playing a more prominently featured role.

This is a light, bright salad that is a hit especially at outdoor parties-and easy to prepare ahead. Enjoy!

Glenn and Glenn