Thursday, March 13, 2025


Jackie Radford – Book Artist

Not every artist paints in oils, or composes symphonies. Artists have to find their own inspiration, their own direction...

From the Publisher – October 2016

Loving this cooler weather-makes me look forward to the rest of fall and the holidays, as well as hot chocolate with marshmallows! By the...

Summertime Peach Desserts

Peaches, peaches! If you live in the Carolinas in the summertime, you are in peach heaven!

From the Publisher – June 2016

There is an old saying in sales that says “If you believe, you are believed.” In other words, if you believe in the product...

Kids + Horses – A Recipe For Healing

Shining Hope Farms consists of two therapeutic horseback riding facilities that serve individuals with disabilities.

From Earth to Art

I dig my clay on a hillside in east Lincoln county where I played with my 5 brothers as a child.