From The Publisher

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David Hamrick, Publisher

For those of you that have been saying for years that you wish Gaston County would get it together, or that you wish that “they” would do something about economic development, etc., rest assured, “they” are. During a recent conversation with Gastonia Mayor John Bridgeman, I quickly filled a legal pad with projects that are on the drawing board, have been announced in the press, or are presently under construction. Here is a partial list:

– Mount Holly’s long proposed greenway finally has the green light!

– The Chronicle Mill project in Belmont

And in Gastonia:

– The Webb Craft Kitchen (formerly Nick’s)

– Several projects on South Street in Gastonia – including a law firm currently doing renovations in buildings there

– The old Morris Jewelers building is under renovation

Gaston Alive – July 2015

– Lily’s Italian restaurant is open and packed almost every night
– A new bicycle shop

– Merryman Cleveland’s Hive art, stationery and event/class space

– Life of Pie pizza restaurant on the corner of Marietta and Main’

– Artspace will bring 50 artists to a new live/work/gallery space on the corner of South and Franklin

– A new Harris Teeter

– A new Hilton Garden Inn

– A boutique hotel in the Lawyers Building on Main

– Multiple locations of new condos and apartments

– Johnny Harris proposed new Ballantyne project below the airport on the East side of the river will necessitate a road into Gaston County (not the Garden Parkway)

– Proposed new lanes on I-85 to prevent congestion

…and more that space here will not allow. The point is, if you have been waiting for change to come to Gaston, get ready. As Mayor John Bridgeman says, “It’s our turn, it’s our time”.

All the best,
David Hamrick