Possible Superfund site to be developed just outside Mount Holly


Evidently a site either owned currently or in the past by Martin-Marietta, Sodyeco, a Superfund site, is being considered for redevelopment. The site is in Mecklenburg County, just across the Catawba River from Mount Holly. (See EPA study here…) The site was owned by the Reventure Park, and  sold to Long Branch Development. (Address is 11920 Mount Holly Rd), and has approximately 102 acres located on northside of Mount Holly Road. The proposed development  will contain up to 810 dwelling units, including multi family, duplexes, triplexes, quadruplexes and single-family detached homes. This project also includes a stoplight at Belmeade
( Mecklenburg County Rezoning Petition 2021-215)

Supposedly the builder is going to remediate the site. Long time local  residents are surprised to see this project come to fruition, because many homes and businesses were demolished in the early 80’s due to the pollution.Residents are concerned that dyes and chemicals will be unearthed during construction.