From The Publisher

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David Hamrick, Publisher

Happy September! September means summer is winding down (if not the temperatures) and it’s back to school. It’s still pretty hot outside and it seems way too soon to see school buses and kids out early in the mornings, but it’s also an exciting time of new beginnings.

Gold is the color for September, because September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. No parent ever wants to hear “your child has cancer.” The good news is that over the last 35 years, for some types of pediatric cancer the mortality rates have declined by 50 percent. The bad news is that incidence rates are rising, and funding is falling. There is still so much work to be done, and the burdens that families experience dealing with these diseases are often devastating. You can help by first of all being informed; check out a video here: or go to to find out more.

GA Cover September
Gaston Alive – September 2015

Love arts and crafts? Love live music? Put this on your calendar now – The Mt. Holly Art & Music Festival is September 25th and 26th. Over 30 art vendors, 2 days, 2 stages, 11 bands, food trucks, kid zone, and much more! Best of all – it’s free! I know there are some Belmont Playboys, David Childers, and Big Daddy Love fans out there…check out page 15 for more details.

Happy fall!
David Hamrick