Did You Know – July 2014


Charles and JenniferThe National League of Junior Cotillions Gaston County Chapter will be reestablishing the cotillion program and beginning classes this fall. Jennifer Winters and her husband, Charles Winters II, will be offering these classes for 5th-8th grade students in the Gaston community. Through this cotillion program, the children will learn: technology etiquette, correspondence and communication, introductions and first impressions, formal dining etiquette, manners in the home and in public places, paying and receiving compliments, good sportsmanship, traditional dances, acknowledgement of gifts, dress code for all occasions, and character education.

Charles’ father and mother, Charles and the late Anne Winters, ran cotillion chapters from the late 1990s to the early 2000s, and the Gastonia chapter ran for about 3-4 years. Over the years they had taught more than 1,000 students, ranging from 5th grade through 8th grade. At the end of the season, Anne did the ’50s Spring Fling that was always very fun for the students. She also did the Grand Spring Ball at Gaston Country Club.

Jennifer holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, Public Relations with a minor in Psychology from UNC Charlotte. She has been involved with the national conventions and trainings for existing and new directors for the National League of Junior Cotillions for 10 years. She is a proud mother to her beautiful, energetic three-year-old daughter, Hallie Anne. She is a member of Calvary Baptist Church of Charlotte and is active in the community. Jennifer and Charles reside in Gastonia.

There will be five classes and two balls, and the cost for the program is $275.
The Parents’ Reception will be held on August 24th, and the cotillion classes will begin in September.

Now Enrolling – please contact the program director for more information.
Phone: 704-301-7035
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://nljc.com/chapter/gastonnc
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nljcgastoncounty
Instagram: nljcgastoncountychapter

About The National League of Junior Cotillions
NLJC-LOGOThe National League of Junior Cotillions is the nation’s only organization that trains and licenses directors to establish local cotillion programs. Few institutions today can claim to have a positive impact on our nation’s youth. Certainly we as parents are aware of the many influences reaching our children in ways we often feel powerless to control. Through a program that builds self-confidence and character, and helps set boundaries of behavior, the National League of Junior Cotillions offers parents a welcome alternative for their children.

Today, thousands of students are being taught etiquette, ethics and social dance in hundreds of cotillion programs presented by chapters in more than 30 states. No other organization has trained so many young people in character and social education. For more information on the National League of Junior Cotillions, visit http://nljc.com/.