Festive Christmas Cookies With Chocolate Kiss Blossoms


by Glenn Sawyer

Dear Santa,CWG 780
I hope things have been well at the North Pole, 2013 has been a year of ups and downs for many. As you make your rounds this year I have made up a special batch of cookies I’ll leave them in front of the tree with the low fat milk. I understand from Mrs. Clause that everyone at the Pole has caught the fitness bug and that the reindeer are sponsoring the ‘Reindeer Romp’ 5k in the spring.
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup of slivered or sliced Almonds (lightly toasted)
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
7-8 ounces of Almond Paste (one tube or can)
½ cup of sugar
2 sticks of butter (1 cup) softened
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
¼ cup Turbinado Sugar
¼ cup of Hazelnut flour


Pre heat oven to 375 degrees, in a food processor pulse the Flour and Almonds till finely ground add baking powder and salt set aside.
In a mixer cream butter, sugar once fluffy add egg, vanilla and almond paste in pieces till well incorporated. Slowly add dry ingredients and mix.

Mix Turbinado sugar and Hazelnut flour, by tablespoonful roll cookie dough into balls and then into sugar flour mixture. Place balls on cookie sheet about an inch and one half apart. Press a thumb print into each ball.

Bake cookies about 10 minutes, place a chocolate kiss in each indentation and bake for 2 more minutes or until cookies are lightly browned. I also tried rolling them in coconut flake but the taste testers unanimously agreed the hazelnut was better.

Santa, I know you have lots on the sleigh this year for the good girls and boys, and I would like to add one more Christmas Wish. My wish is that everyone would join me in this season of giving to first, remember the reason for the season and second support their local charities. I know that in my support for Gaston County Hospice, Gaston County Toys for Tots, Gaston County Habitat for Humanity I receive ten times the blessings back on every dollar and hour I invest.

Merry Christmas to all, and till next month Make it Your Own.
Glenn signature