Mt. Holly Art & Music Festival

Big Daddy Love
Big Daddy Love

Below we’ll be talking with Donna Ledoux, Event Director for the Mt. Holly Art & Music Festival. But first, here are the details!

Saturday, September 28 ,2013 11am -10pm
Historic Downtown Mount Holly, North Carolina
Art-Music-Wine/Beer-Food-Free Admission
  • Acoustic Syndicate
  • Big Daddy Love
  • Coming Up Brass
  • James “Tootie” Hogan
  • Stepside Deluxe
  • Dirty Grass Soul
  • David Childers and the Over Mountain Men

For music schedule and more visit

David Childers and the Overmountain Men
David Childers and the Overmountain Men
GA!: Donna, what is the Mt. Holly Art & Music Festival?
Donna:  The Mount Holly Art & Music Festival (previously known as Autumn on Main) is in its 6th year.  We do have a new name, new longer hours and more to offer this year.  Thanks to a grant from the Mount Holly Tourism Development Authority, we are able to host a larger regional event on Main Street in Mount Holly.
GA!: This sounds like the biggest party Mt. Holly has ever had!
Donna:  Yes, we will have seven bands playing throughout the day and evening, plus food, beer, wineries, and art.
GA!: What kind of artists can we expect in the artist’s village?
Donna:  We are expecting Glass Craftsmen, Painters, Potters, Jewelers, Wood Craftsmen, Mixed Media and more.
GA!: There are some pretty exciting, big name bands-and some hometown connections!
Donna:  Yes this year, we are having two stages: an Acoustic Stage and Main Stage, with music all day.  We are excited to have Acoustic Syndicate, Big Daddy Love, Coming Up Brass, Stepside Deluxe, Dirty Grass Soul and our own hometown favorites, James “Tootie” Hogan and David Childers and the Over Mountain Men.
GA!: And the price is right….
Donna:  Yes, it is free to the public, just bring your chair, dancing shoes and expect to have a GREAT time!
Coming Up Brass
Coming Up Brass
GA!: Will there be food?
Donna:  There will be plenty of food and snacks available on the street as well as in local restaurants.
GA!: Why an Art & Music Festival?
Donna:  This festival was created six years ago as a way to celebrate all types of art, while creating economic opportunity for our historic downtown.
GA!: Where can we find out more?
Donna:  Check out our website at for festival info or LIKE us on Facebook (Mount Holly Art & Music Festival) for all the latest news about the event.
GA!: Who are the festival sponsors?
Donna:  This year, we are pleased to announce that our Title Sponsor is Wells Fargo.  Our Stage Sponsors are Carolinas Healthcare System and Duke Energy.  We also have five Silver Sponsors, four Bronze Sponsors and various Friends of the Festival giving their support.
GA!: Who is making this event happen?
Donna:  This event is really a collaborative effort that would not be possible without The Events Committee of the Mount Holly Community Development Foundation, made up of volunteers, the City of Mount Holly, the Mount Holly Tourism Development Authority and our sponsors.
September 28, 2013 • 11am ~ 10 pm
Historic Downtown Mount Holly, North Carolina
Interested in volunteering on the day of the event?  Contact us through our website, Facebook, or by phone @ 704-827-5262.
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