Gaston County employees in the $$$


Gaston County employees that make $50, $75, $100 an hour

Some Gaston County employees earn pretty nifty salaries. We haven’t checked to see what other North Carolina counties pay, but we thought you might be interested in this list of folks that make at least $50 an hour, or approximately $104,000 annually,  or more.

Let us know what you think of these salaries

We did not include salaries of some of the lowest paid- which include EMT Basic positions. These jobs start at around $13.29 an hour. To compare, a full time transporter (driver) makes $13.39 an hour- and no life or death decisions to worry about. Full time library assistants make $14.85 an  hour, animal care aides make $13.79 an hour. We also noticed that Gaston County has five EMS and EMT positions open, some since March of 2020. When you can make more driving a van, working in the library, or feeding the animals, why subject yourself  to auto crashes and the like for less money? Maybe it’s time to consider getting these salaries in line with the stress and responsibility involved.

All salary figures are hourly:

Susan Allen Asst HR Dir $55.76

Michael Applegate Dir Travel & Tourism $50.48

Stacey Bhalla Nurse Midwife $59.15

Donna Buff Clerk to the board $50.48

Alan Cloninger Sheriff $69.71

Gwennaye Coath Physician $88.66

Brandy Decker Fin & Bus Serv Adm $51.22

Richard Dodd Application Systems Architect $51.77

Taylor Drury Asst Budget & Mgmt Dir $55.28

Kimberly Eagle County Mgr $115.38

Stephen Easton Public Health Dir $64.90

Mistee Formica, Nurse Midwife $62.83

Kevin Gordon, Emergency Mgmt Dir $$58.85

Linda Grimsley, Asst Fin Dir $57.66

Catherine Hart, Dir Parks & Rec $50.48

Grady Jackson, Tax Director $72.16

Ricky Johnson, Chief Info Officer $74.52

Tara Joyner, Dir Family Justice Center $50.48

Jennifer Kacmar, Physician $$93.85

Angela Karchman , Dir Soc Service $64.90

Nancy Kenney, Asst Health Dir $50.50

Michelle Kott, Nurse Midwife $57.28

Mark Lamphiear EMS Chief $$64.90

Lisa Largent, Physician Extender $53.05

Patty Laws, Grants Mgr $50.48

Susan Lockridge, Register of Deeds $57.69

Amia Massey, Dir Human Resources $72.16

Vernon Maxwell, Infrastructure & Asset Mgr $84.44

Charles Moore, Staff Atty $100.96

Tiffany Murray, Finance Dir $74.52

Pamela Overcash, Community Serv Dir $84.44

Darryl Pearson, Physician $103.91

Joseph Ramey, Dir County Police $69.71

Norma Ramirez, Nurse Midwife $61.66

Matthew Rhoton, Deputy County Mgr $96.51

Tia Robertson, Physician Med Dir $99.78

Courtney Rogers, Sr Staff Atty $73.98

Janet Schafer, Budget & Mgmt Serv Dir $60.10

Joseph Sciba, Dir Building & Dev Svc $64.90

Gina Shell, Spec Projects Mgr $65.65

Jonathon Swink, County Atty $81.73

Jonathon Stephens, Asst Tax Dir $54.90

David Turbyfield, Asst Dir Tax Listings/Appraisals $57.09

Karen Whichard, Asst County Mgr $84.44

Gary Williams, Shrf Chief Deputy $50.40

David Williams, Sr Prog Mgr Comm Affairs $60.10

Daniel Ziehm, Dir Public Works $64.90