From the Publisher – June 2016


There is an old saying in sales that says “If you believe, you are believed.” In other words, if you believe in the product or concept you are selling, then other folks are more likely to believe as well. Gaston County’s new GO (or Go Outside) campaign emphasizes the positive opportunities for work, play, business and outdoor fun that make Gaston County a great place to live and work. But for us to sell that to visitors and investors, we have to really believe it ourselves. We have a great heritage to build on, and with this new campaign we can highlight our very best features.

The Gaston Outside website says this, “Our mission is to inspire the people of Gaston to share with the world Gaston’s incredible stories and all that it has to offer as a terrific place to live, work and play.”

I am happy to see this new campaign and feel that it is definitely a step in the right direction for Gaston County. Check out the new website at, it’s pretty cool!

As always, please continue to support the local businesses that add so much flavor and vitality to our community.

All the best, David