Charlotte to get pro baseball? Maybe…


In a recent interview Hugh McColl, former CEO of Bank of America, talked pro baseball and Charlotte’s chances of getting a team.

“I think that pro baseball requires a big population mass to make it profitable,” McColl told the Charlotte Business Journal recently.. “And whether we have that population, that mass at the moment, I don’t know. I guess one would argue that I’ve always been in favor of a downtown location. But getting to and from the ballpark every night is a challenge.”

McColl, who is 88, added, “Someone else will have to solve that one. I can’t solve that one.” ” “I think that we would be a better town than Nashville. Just being honest, where I think we grow faster, (with a) bigger corporate market. And, you know, we’ve got more big companies for sponsorship, and we are a town that sits on the border of the Carolinas, and we have 10, 11, 12 million people within 50 miles of us.”