Legacy Builders Offers Creative Path


Legacy Builders is a non-profit that seeks to empower youth from economically disadvantaged homes to creative options in a safe space. They offer training in the music business, radio broadcasting, audio engineering, music production, digital marketing and photography.

Entrepreneur Nathaniel Jones set up in Eastland Mall in 2021. “I think a lot of what I grew up, as far as boys and girls clubs and the rec centers and the YMCAs and all of the activities we had after school, I don’t really see that as much,” Jones said. “So the space that I was in personally is entertainment. You look at it right now, there are a lot of social media influencers. You have your Youtubers. I have all this talent but where do they really go to learn the science behind it right? Where do they go to learn how to practice it and exercise that space? So it just seemed like a no-brainer for us to put that in Gastonia.” Find out more…