7 Things to Put On Your Gaston Fall Calendar


It’s not fall yet- but we can’t wait! September means it’s back to school, car pools, dance lessons, and outdoor festivals! Here are 7 events you’ll want to put on your calendar.


1. Whiskey With Wiley September 14, 5-8 PM.

Wiley Cash is the New York Times best selling author who wrote “The Last Ballad”, which is a fictional account of the last days of Ella Mae Wiggins.There will be a whiskey tasting, light bites, and a book signing. Tix here


2. Panthers Season Opener Against the Rams September 8, 1 PM, Bank of America Stadium.

The Panthers have had a few great moments, and a few shaky moments in preseason. Cam is out of his walking boot and the first string should all be healthy- so look out!  Tickets  


3. Lincolnton Apple Festival October 19, 9am-4pm.

If you haven’t been before, you are missing out! Bands, Sir Purr, booths of every imaginable ilk, and apple pies, apple fritters, apple jelly, apple cider, and tons of apples for sale- including heirloom. It’s a blast, but leave your pets at home please. People watching at its best!


4. Gaston County Go Fest September 26, begins 6:30 PM.

GO FEST is not your typical festival⁠—it is a celebration kicking off October’s GO MONTH. Downtown Gastonia streets will be closed, there will be  a live band and food trucks, and both Cavendish Brewing Company & Ole Dallas Brewery will be selling special Gaston Outside brews and so much more. Info


5. Dallas Fall classic Horse Show Dallas Park, 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Hwy, Dallas.

September 27 & 28. American Saddlebred, fine harness, roadster horses, hackney ponies, gaited classes, pleasure, all breed classes. Costume class Saturday night, concession stand available. Open and free to the public. Info



6. Cotton Ginning Days October 12-14, Dallas Park, 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Hwy, Dallas.

Antique gasoline and steam engines, live cotton ginning, craft and food vendors, live music and much much more. It’s a blast for the whole family- do yourself a favor and don’t miss it!  More


7. Belmont Oktoberfest- a Tails & Ales Celebration. October 5, Stowe Park in Belmont.

If you enjoyed last year’s inaugural Oktoberfest, join them this year for the same fun with a canine twist! They’ll have plenty of beverages, bands, vendors, and contests, but this year they’re tossing in plenty of dog-friendly vendors and activities as well. This celebration will double as a fundraiser for a future dog park in Belmont – so bring your best four-legged friend with you, grab a brew, and consider donating to the cause. Check it out


In case you’re not already on our list, get signed up here!