From the Publisher – May 2016


It has been a beautiful spring. My son got married recently in Savannah, and the grand kids have started playing softball and baseball-what a great time to be alive in the South! Now if those pine needles would just finish putting themselves out…

Even though the heat can be stifling, summer is still the best…it used to be that almost every Southern small town would shut down almost completely, or at least slow to an imperceptible crawl for the 4th of July week. All the mills were closed and everyone packed up and headed to Myrtle Beach. A lot of the mills are gone now, but lots of folks still head for the coast for some Calabash Shrimp and some family time in the sun and surf. Wherever you are going this summer, I hope you have a blast and come back well rested.

As always, be sure to patronize your local merchants-they give our community personality and vitality.

Happy spring!

– David