Did You Know October 2014


This edition of our Did you know is a little different from the rest. We created this article to help inform our readers of something interesting going on in our community, but we have a twist for this month. We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know some things about us!

Gaston Alive! Magazine is locally owned and operated by ARA Marketing Solutions, LLC. We have grown our staff with the addition of talented designers who will bring more creativity to our ever-growing magazine.

We plan to grow by leaps and bounds with some combined efforts, including a new focus and commitment from me as the Owner/Publisher of this fabulous little magazine.

Karla photoMore important than me is my dedicated Project Manager/Executive Assistant and brains behind the magazine, Karla Lancaster, who keeps things running smoothly.

Last but not least is our new Regional Sales Director, Miss Congeniality and Ambassador of Happiness, Sonja Forrester. We are so fortunate to be able to bring Sonja on board with us, and her passion for Gaston Alive! Magazine is infectious. Sonja knows how to assist small businesses in their marketing exposure and is ready and willing to work with you on maximizing your budget in the most effective direct mail magazine available to local businesses.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat can we do for you? Did you know that Gaston Alive! Magazine direct mails over 19,000 magazines based on demographics best fit to reach our advertisers’ target clients? We place our advertisers in front of select households in the Gaston County area and we also include exclusive, desired areas in Lake Wylie.

We are continuing to make changes to better serve current and future clients with more personal service, value and community. We need our readers to continue to support our advertisers and also tell a local business how much you enjoy our magazine. A referral is our best compliment.

And as always … Did you know we enjoy your feedback? Contact us at [email protected] for any questions, comments or new ideas.