Publisher’s Letter – February 2014


During the past month I have enjoyed meeting current business owners and advertisers. I look forward to continuing to produce an upscale, classy boutique-style magazine that caters to local businesses and community events. I have lived in Gaston County for 22 years, aside from my two years in Canada during my husband’s work assignment. Though we had the option of relocating to many other places, we chose to return to Gaston County. This felt like home to us and our children. We have grown to appreciate the things Gaston County has to offer and hope to showcase many of the events, places and people of greater Gaston County. As part of my first issue as the Owner/Publisher of Gaston Alive! Magazine, I wanted to share how obsessed I am with print advertising! It is my firm belief that print prompts the reader into action to make a purchase through a call, or to visit a website or store. This addition marks my fifth local magazine currently being published through my company, ARA Marketing Solutions LLC. My obsession is fed through hearing people say, “I just love that little magazine!”

I repeatedly get asked the question: Will the magazine change? New beginnings bring new ideas and styles, but rest assured these are big shoes to fill, and my promise is to keep delivering the same interesting stories, recipes and decorating ideas that readers have grown to love. I plan to add new articles as well as some new business advertisers in order to help small businesses receive the exposure they need in a targeted direct mail magazine. I will strive to keep the readership at an all-time high with stories that interest and intrigue the local readers of this sensational magazine.

I want to personally thank you for supporting us at Gaston Alive! and would encourage you to support our advertisers. Tell them you saw their ad in our magazine. As we grow we can continue to offer more articles about local events and people. I am a part of the local small business owner community and plan on continuing to grow and support Gaston County through Gaston Alive!. Throughout the next issues I will share my thoughts, experiences and sometimes random inspirations that I get through being completely passionate about life in general. My goal is that you know me through the community and feel my passion for all things related to being local. I welcome your feedback and ideas and can be reached at pgoode (at) gastonalive (dot) com.

Until next issue… Live, love and laugh. Happiness is a gift that only you can give yourself.

Pam L. Goode