Local Folks, Local Food, The Farmers Fork


GA!: Job- congrats on your new restaurant! Tell us about the concept for The Farmers Fork…
Job:  Thanks! Our concept is to bring fresh, locally produced food to our restaurant table for you to enjoy. Everything from local produce- literally out of the field-to certified meats, honey, even locally produced goat milk cheesecakes.
GA!:  Job, last time we talked with you, you were a farmer raising specialty mushrooms, keeping bees, riding a tractor…what prompted you to open a restaurant?
Job: It’s been an evolution of all of the things I am interested in and believe in. I love good fresh food, and care about things like farm to table, sustainable agriculture, and teaching people about what is possible and available concerning their food choices here in Gaston County especially.
GA!: What makes The Farmers Fork unique?
Job: Being able to make healthy comfort dishes with local farmers as suppliers, local folks as customers, and even our employees are from the community-it’s a great feeling.
GA!: Who are some of your local providers?
Job: Rosemary Pete, Nise’s Herbs, Whitefeather Produce, Thomas Family Farm Cheesecakes, and many others.
GA!: Is everything straight from a local farm?
Job: As much as possible. Obviously we can’t get local strawberries in February, but we serve as much of what’s fresh and in season as we can.
GA!: What is SSAWG? I know you have been active in that organization..
Job: It stands for Southern Sustainable Agricultural working Group. They are a group that is interested in everyone having access to wholesome food from sustainable farming, and also supporting good environmental and quality of life practices. We are interested in local farm to table initiatives, but also making local farming a viable concept-meaning economically viable for the farmer too. It’s a win-win for the dining public and the local producer.
GA!: The food sounds great-tell me about your staff…
Job: With her food service experience and great personality, our manager Kristen Clark does a great job at keeping the dining room smiling. Cat Graham, Alesha Rogers, and Teresa Dover make great things happen in the kitchen-having happy cooks is a good thing! My partner Preston Wilson and I get complimented on our staff almost daily.
GA!: Do you have daily specials?
Job: We do- you can check them out on our Facebook page every day, just look for The Farmers Fork. We try to highlight whatever is fresh and in season-healthy comfort food with a kick! You can also check out our chalk boards daily for entree and dessert specials, and see who some of our local suppliers are that day.
GA!: What would you like to say to local farmers?
Job: Local farmers and producers are encouraged to contact Kristen Clark, letting us know what products they have for sale, along with a price list. If it is locally produced and a good fit we would love to add them to our list of vendors.
GA!: What are some of the more popular dishes?
Job: Our fresh, hot daily specials have become a lunch favorite. Our shrimp and grits are really popular, as well as our tacos that come with shrimp, or pulled chicken or pork. And last and everyone loves our daily complimentary soups! We have homemade mason jar desserts made fresh daily –Key Lime Pie, Apple Crisp, Magic Coconut – and every other dessert favorite.
GA!: Right now you are open for breakfast and lunch. Any plans to open for dinner?
Job: We have been very pleased and grateful for the response we have gotten so far, and we have plans to open for dinner, but right now we are just open for breakfast and lunch-but a breakfast or lunch that we hope you will enjoy as much as we enjoy preparing it for you!

The Farmers Fork • 119 N Main St • Mount Holly,NC 28120
704-820-6030 • facebook.com/TheFarmersFork