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Unless you have been living under a rock, you have noticed the proliferation of craft breweries and distilleries in recent years. Gaston County has been a little slow to join the movement in a major way, but now several breweries and a distillery have opened and are going gangbusters. 6 craft breweries & distilleries you should visit in Gaston County
It's ACC Tournament Time!  Check out the schedule...
Green River Revival at the USNWC

Green River Revival at USNWCThis Saturday! The Green River Revival is back for its tenth year as the US National Whitewater Center kicks off the 2019 festival calendar at the Whitewater Center. The festivities begin with the Color Me Green Trail Run,  continue with yoga, followed by the highly anticipated moment when the river turns as green as a four leaf clover, accompanied by live music from the River Jam Stage. As with all of Whitewater’s Festivals, Green River Revival is free to attend, open to the public, and does not require tickets. Parking is $6 per day. Saturday March 16th.  Find out more...
The Merry Market will be held this Saturday March 16th at the Grand Hall in Mount
Holly from 10-4. 55 vendors will fill the Grand Hall with one-of-a-kind hand-crafted & hand-picked items. See more...
Featured Partner- Blythe Gallery
Blythe Gallery in Belmont

We're sad- Blythe Gallery is closing! After 10 great years the owner is retiring March 31st. But what a great Retirement Sale! Everything is 35%-65%  Off!  Be sure to check it out before it's too late...

Blythe Gallery 117 North Main Street, Belmont 704-825-8809

New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Michelle Gable will be at the Gaston Public Library May 23rd.

 She will be discussing her new novel, The Summer I Met Jack (St. Martin’s Press, May 2018; paperback May 2019). Inspired by abundant and carefully-researched material, the novel is based on the life of Polish immigrant Alicia Darr and her likely affair leading possibly to a love child with John F. Kennedy. 

Michelle will speak at the "Live at Your Library Series" at the Gaston Public Library on May 23 at 12:10 pm. The event is free and open to the public with an optional lunch offered for $8.00. Those who wish to reserve a lunch should call 704-868-2164, option 4 (leaving a message is fine). The deadline for lunch reservations will be listed on the library's website: Interested?
Feel like a Gyro Platter? It's yummy! Check out the Akropolis Cafe in the Walmart shopping center at Franklin Square- they're just down from Best Buy. Grab some great coupons in the print version of Gaston Alive!
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