Rhubarb is so much more than just a pie plant. The leaves of rhubarb had been used by bee keepers, apiculturists, as a Varroacide which kills the mites which often threaten bee colonies.
Rhubarb also contains a compound call Parietin or physcion which is a pigment shown to have anti-fungal properties against powdery mildew and in human tissue it destroys cancer cells.
In laboratory studies Parietin killed half the human leukemia cells and slowed the growth of other human cancers. A more potent derivative called S3 cut lung cancer cells by two thirds in 11 days. Best of all it appears to be non-toxic to health cells.
Now I’m not saying a pie can cure cancer, but in this world where so much is bad for you it’s nice to know a great tasting pie is also good for you.