Enjoy Your Backyard!


The Mosquito Authoritymoscover

GA!: Fellas, you guys have a very family focused image-tell us about the families involved in your company..
Ryan: Being married and having 4 kids, I wake up every morning with family on my mind. I have to-because my 4 year old is usually jumping on my head. This service has allowed us to enjoy family time in our yard all summer and all day long. We don’t have to run into the house as dusk because a mosquito just carried y youngest child away
BJ: I’m also married and my wife is a teacher. My wife enjoys our pool during summer months now more than ever due to our service. She is enjoying that peaceful time while I’m out helping our customers. That must be nice.
GA!: When is “mosquito season”?
Ryan: While there is no definite start and stop time, mosquito season typically runs from April-October. However, we have started as early as the beginning of March and sprayed as late as Thanksgiving.
GA!: How did you get into this business?
BJ: I’ll take this one. Ryan called me one afternoon and asked me if I like mosquitoes. I laughed and asked him if he was serious. He then asked what I thought about eliminating mosquitoes in my yard. I laughed again and said, ” yeah right”. He then told me about a franchise that was available in our area that would help people get rid of their mosquitoes. Although I was skeptical. I told him I was in. The rest is history.
GA!: You guys seem like savvy business people that put your values first-but why the mosquito business?
Ryan: I guess to us it’s really about customer service. It’s customer service first, and then mosquito control second. Our business would ot grow the way it has without happy customers. We go above and beyond to ensure that they are happy.
BJ: Yes… and we also really dislike mosquitoes.
GA!: What is the number one best thing about The Mosquito Authority?
BJ: Like Ryan said, our customer service and our relationships with our customers. I enjoy meeting new people and truly helping them take back their yard. I look forward to feedback at the end of the season and hearing how much different this summer was with our service than last summer without.
GA: We assume you have competitors-how are you different?
BJ: I think there may be one or two out there. To be honest, we don’t spend a lot of time worrying what the other companies are doing. There just isn’t enough time in the day for that. Our focus is primarily on our customers and figuring out how we can do our job better, more effectively, more efficiently, and how we can continue to grow our business.

GA!: Is your treatment safe for pets and plants?
Ryan: The treatment is a commercial grade pesticide. As with ay pesticide, there are always precautions. Before we got into this business, we did some research on the products that we were going to be using. In a nutshell, the product that we use is similar to the ingredients that you find in flea and tick shampoo for dogs. We have a lot of happy pet owners that don’t have to worry about heartworms for their dogs. We advise our customers to keep their pets in for 30 minutes after we spray just to be safe.
GA!: Do you offer other products or services? BJ: We do. Our barrier spray treatment is our bread and butter, but we offer misting systems-installation and upkeep. We also offer fire ant control. We don’t want to get too far away from the goal, and that is mosquito control. That is what we love and that is what we do. We also offer Organic alternatives to our barrier spray treatment.
GA! You guys have a cool video (see  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDhUoqMrQ0I  )…actually a whole channel. But we really like the part that says “We make back yards worth mowing, and front porches worth swinging…”
BJ: I wish I could take credit for that little saying. That really hits the nail on the head though.

“After lots of research, I tried Mosquito Authority and it was heaven.  We go outside, play anytime of day/night and no mosquitoes and no worries about West Nile Virus. My kids can catch fireflies and do not need to be sprayed with repellent and are not covered in itchy bites.”   Kristy Jenkins

“We are just so happy to enjoy our yard during the summer. My 9 year old says, “It’s awesome!”  Betty Bankston