Beautiful Moments



wh 2The William Henry Salons and Spas in Belmont and Mt. Holly have become the go-to venues for those special moments…weddings, proms, cotillion, pageants, and much, much more. And what better way to capture those beautiful moments for a lifetime, than with Image Gallery photography.

We talked recently with a WH salon professional at William Henry Mt. Holly, about some of the special moments she has been fortunate to share with her clients.
GA!: Tell us about some of the special times you have spent with clients- You probably have lots of great stories!

WH Stylist: One of my favorites is a single guy who was my client who told me about this special girl he had met. Things progress and he brings in the engagement ring he was going to give her… I ended up doing all of the hair for the wedding…I did the bride and all of the bridesmaids and flower girl. It is so cool to be part of the whole process. And believe it or not, now they have a new baby girl named Maggie, and I just did her first haircut-so sweet! It’s a joy and an honor to get to be part of all of that.

GA!: Do you do a lot special hair for brides?

BWH Stylist: We do- just being there, getting to help the bride put on her veil or garter, and sharing that intimate, important moment. Even if we weren’t friends before, we leave as friends and have a lifetime connection.

GA!: Sometimes special moments have nothing to do with social events…

WH Stylist: That’s true. I have a client who comes to Mt. Holly from Huntersville whose little boy has leukemia. She likes to come here and be pampered, and hang out with the girls. I always feel so uplifted when she leaves…she is so strong. Another client is a lady executive who travels here from Chicago on business, and I go to her hotel room to do her hair. She could get her hair done anywhere, but she likes our personal attention.

GA!: I know you can’t say too much, but what’s it like working with some of your famous or more well know clients?

WH Stylist: It’s always fun seeing those people online or in the paper-I think “that’s my hair!” Just knowing that I made them feel and look beautiful is very rewarding.

GA!: William Henry offers a full range of spa services-hair, massage, facials, manicures and pedicures, but hair is really special to you.

WH Stylist: All of our services are wonderful, but hair is the only accessory that you wear every day. It helps that I love people, and really want them to be happy.

The followinging is correspondence from a very happy client, Mr. Chris Graham, leading up to and following his daughter Kate’s wedding:

Hi Miss Somer! My name is Chris Graham, father of Kate, husband to Jodie, friend to many…lol. (Our daughter)Kate is away at college and has never visited William Henry Salon before, but we have heard great things from several sources about what a fun, friendly, and professional atmosphere your staff provides–and therefore is our first choice for this occasion! I hope this can be worked out and be a “win-win” situation for both of us! Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Well, it was just over a month ago when you provided us (namely Kate and her bridesmaids) a most excellent and fun time at the Mt Holly salon. It definitely seems like a hundred years ago now, but we were just looking at the calendar and realized it’s only been a month! In any case, I wanted to thank you and Julie again for the OUTSTANDING effort you put forth for us to make that marathonmanicure session a reality. You would have smiled hearing them talk about it at the rehearsal that evening, showing off their hands to anyone nearby. And allowing us to bring in pizza and drinks was perfect.

Feel free to use any part of this note, also, as a testimonial–if you use such things. In any case, this is where I type those very appropriate words that describe all of y’all down there in both Mt Holly and Belmont: YOU ROCK! You rock!