The Glenn Foundation gives $240,000 to local organizations


In their 52nd year, the Glenn Foundation has given $240,000 to local organizations. Founded in 1971 by two sisters, Carrie E. Glenn, and Lena V. Glenn, the Glenn foundation has given approximately $10 million to local educational, musical, and social ministries.

Here is a list of organizations and amounts this year:

    African American Museum of History, $15,000 for, “Help Graduate Me!”
    Autism Society of North Carolina, $4,000 for Autism Resource Specialists in Gaston County
    BackPack Weekend Food Program, $11,375 for warehouse and program support
    Bit of Hope Ranch, $5,000 for, “The Mindfulness Trail Experience”
    Bountiful Blessings Food Pantry, Inc., $15,000 for The Restoration Center
    Catherine’s House, $23,050 for the Catherine’s House Inclusive Playground
    Classroom Central, $12,500 for school supplies for Gaston students in need
    Crisis Assistance Ministry, $10,000 for emergency assistance
    Dallas High Shoals Christian Social Ministry, $10,000 for emergency client assistance
    Displaced Roses, $5,500 for transport to transition
    Distinguished Youth Enrichment Program, $15,000 for transportation
    Gaston Choral Society, $3,000 for operating funds
    Gaston County Education Foundation, $24,375 for the Glenn Sisters Legacy Fund for Educators
    Gaston County Family YMCA, $25,000 for the Stowe Family YMCA expansion project
    Gaston Literacy Council, $10,000 for the Haitian Cohort
    Gaston County Museum of Art and History, $10,000 for preservation of the Hoffman Hotel
    Habitat for Humanity of Gaston County, $10,000 for The Parnell Playground
    Least of These Carolinas, $10,000 for Bags of Hope
    Monarch, $1,200 for fostering independence for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
    Off the Streets, Inc. $15,000 for transitional living housing
    Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Inc. $5,000 for, “No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in My Town!”

What a wonderful legacy these two sisters have left, and how fortunate we are to have them in Gaston County.