Ford’s Seed & Plants closing


Ford’s Seed & Plants in downtown Gastonia is closing.This from Ford’s Facebook page” This is a hard one. After much praying, soul searching, crying and a host of other emotions I am closing Fords. This thing called life has come to pass for us. Due to employee shortages, rising cost of plant and other items it is not in my best interest to continue. No one regrets this more than myself and our ladies!A big Thank You to our most loyal of customers who have supported us for years. You are more than a customer. You have become our friends and family. It is because of you that we have lasted. Our last day open will be March 31 2023. Please be respectful of us and understand how hard this is. We appreciate all of you. Thanks for my 35 years at Fords. Love to all!Peggy Long

Ford’s seed and plants has been around since 1920, started by W.T. Ford.