Some great news for an embattled spot in downtown Gastonia


We don’t have all the details yet, but it looks like the church at 602 Dr. Martin Luther King Way in Gastonia is being transformed.

Formerly the home of Faith, Hope, and Love Enrichment Ministries, the building and property will undergo major renovations to become a non-profit cosmetology school. You may recall that the property and Pastor Moses Colbert were in the news quite a bit recently. Pastor Colbert and the City of Gastonia are trying to resolve their differences regarding serving the homeless population.

Faith, Hope, and Love has since moved to another location.

The structure is a significant one, formerly the home of Saint Stephens AME Zion church, and has been designated a historical site. That church moved and took over the former First Baptist Church in downtown Gastonia in 2000.

We are excited to see the building have a new lease on life and will bring you updates as they become available.