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Morningstar Marinas and Developer McLean Team Up to Open New Marina On Lake Wylie
On the former homestead of Daniel Stowe, the new marina will include 300 dry slips, 35 wet slips, a waterfront event lawn and a ship’s store. More
Happy Tuesday! 

Mostly sunny; very warm, high of 88, low of 60.

The first day of Fall was yesterday- even if it doesn't feel like it yet.
I-85 Traffic backed up 7 miles into Gaston County. Not really news...just sayin'.  Local coyote seen building a catapult on river bank...
Missing 13 Foot Reticulated Python Found in Stanley. More...
Veronet Vineyards & Winery Opens In Kings Mountain This Friday, September 27th.

70 acre vineyard, 70 foot patio, 2 bars and more...
Hurricane Hugo's 30 year anniversary was this past weekend- we didn't celebrate.

Featured Partner

J.R. Cash's Grill & Bar
See what our customers are saying:
"I had your early bird prime rib last week. It was phenomenal. I can't believe you get that huge piece of prime rib, a salad and your choice of a side for only $13. Great deal. We also had great service during our visit!"  More
Interested in becoming a featured partner and reaching people all across Gaston County? Our advertising team can help. Contact us today to talk about how we can help your business thrive.
Cam sat out Sunday's game against Arizona, and will sit also sit out the game  against Houston. Meanwhile Kyle Allen is looking awfully good at QB. We enjoyed the first game of 4 touchdown passes since Cam had that game in 2017.

Charlotte Catholic running back to transfer to Hunter Huss High School. Info...

Cam Newton riding a scooter in Uptown Charlotte. Really?

Gaston County Calendar

FINAL WEEK! Thru September 29 at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden : Grandiflora: Gamrath Glass

September - October Schedule Belmont Abbey Women's Soccer Schedule

September - October Belmont Abbey Women's Volleyball Schedule here

September 25 : Candidates Forum for City Of Gastonia, more

September 26 : Go Fest downtown Gastonia, food trucks, live music & more

September 27-28 : Fall Classic Horse Show in Dallas. Here

October 3 : FUSE groundbreaking, 800 West Main Street, Gastonia. Info

October 3, 4, 5 : The Outsiders by Gaston School of the Arts. Tix and info

October 5 : Food Truck Thursday, Rotary Pavilion, Downtown Gastonia, 6-9:30 PM

October 5 : Belmont Oktoberfest, A Tails & Ales Celebration. Info

Save the Date (and register now) Trick or Trail 5K and Family Fun Run - October 26
Who's Hiring in Gaston County This Week?

Medical recruiter, automotive technician, teacher, and more....
Looking for employees? Did you know that  our "Who's Hiring in Gaston County?" is consistently one of our most clicked links? Contact us to find out more...
Put it on the calendar-Gaston Shred Day, November 16, 2019, 8 am - Noon. They will accept electronics - no tube TVs. More
Featured Pull at Your Heart Strings

Tri County Animal Rescue
Tri-County Animal Rescue BIG DOG Pet of the Week is this Australian Shepherd/Hound mix named Barney. He is 7 years old. Barney weighs about 60 pounds. He just had a dental so his smile sparkles. Barney is good with everyone including other pets. If you need an older boy around the house…come on out Saturday and get Barney. Barney is neutered, current on vaccines, heartworm negative and micro-chipped. He will be looking for you this weekend! More
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