Happy Tuesday! A high of 81 today with 20% chance of precipitation. Enough rain already! If it's going to rain, let it rain at night...But 80% chance of sun - so think positive and enjoy!
Confessions of a Carolina Girl... Ever wonder why folks get so passionate about their alma mater? Heather Brown gives us 10 reasons she bleeds Carolina blue.
"2. This one is an easy one…but every Carolina blue blood has at least one child or animal named for something Carolina-related. Speaking of animals, there is this one rat that lives in Durham that all Carolina blue-blooded alumni and fans alike detest. Is it his mouth? Or lack of couth after losing that leads him to not being gracious enough to properly shake the hands of his opponents? Or his enduring hugs to Wojo, Danny Ferry, Laettner or Bobby Hurley? Or let us not forget his defiant defence of the “tripper” Grayson Allen? I am not for sure…but I can tell you “dadgummit” all of us love to hate K-Rat."
(and if you're a Duke fan, well, maybe you can just skip this read and scroll down...)
A hero gets his day: UNCC’s Riley Howell honored by family, friends and the military
Read more here: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article229989504.html#storylink=cpy
Tag your girls and get your next Ladies Night Out on the books! Head over to the Gaston County YMCA on May 10th for an outdoor pop up market with food trucks, live music, and a fashion show! #GoGaston#Go2Gaston Check it out...
River Jam at US National Whitewater Center
Thurs May 9 Shamarr Allen
Friday May 10 Oliver Hazard
Saturday May 11 Kendall Street Company
Learn to do Wooden Barn Quilts!
May 11, 4-7 PM , at Create In Us Mt. Holly, Find out more...
Town of Cramerton Goat Island games
5k Road race, Paddling time trial competitions, and much more! Info here...
Featured Partner-La Fuente Mexican Restaraunt
Did you miss Cinco De Mayo? You can still get some great Mexcian food at La Fuente!
Featured Pull at Your Heart Strings
Only the best boys get to be office dogs for the day.
Eddie (A41332701) is available for adoption. He’s a 6 month old pit bull mix who looks like a miniature Mastiff! He currently weighs 30 pounds and seems like he’s close to being done growing. Eddie gets along great with other dogs, has perfect manners with people and was unphased by cats in a nearby cage. Eddie gets restless when he needs to go outside and hasn’t had any accidents while in the office.
Eddie’s adoption fee is $90 and covers his neuter surgery, heartworm test, microchip and vaccines.
Intake Specialist, Deputy Clerk, Bank Teller... Find out more!
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