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A lot of you drive over the Catawba River every day and probably don’t give it much thought. Or maybe you catch a glimpse of the fall foliage or the steam rising from the river some summer mornings as you brave 85 on the way to work.

I'm hopeful we'll do our parts to keep the river flowing, but I looked at some of the threats the Catawba faces in this article.
Dining with a view. Is there anything better? These waterfront spots will satisfy your hunger for good food & scenic views. 

A couple spots to put on the list:
J Peters Grill & Bar
photo via @anggirard (Instagram)
A Tourist of Our Own River

Sometimes, our daily commutes can make it easy to overlook or under appreciate the beauty of our waterways in Gaston County. Luckily, the folks at Gaston County Visitor's Center put together an Insider's Guide to the Catawba River to help you learn more about the river & ways to enjoy it. 

Other Ways to Enjoy the Water
We're lucky to have a lot of outdoor activity options in Gaston County. Here's a few worth checking out:
The Charlotte Area Transit System’s policy board has approved a plan to extend light rail to Belmont, in Gaston County, creating an east-west line from Matthews that connects to Charlotte’s airport. See more...

Read more here:
Featured Partner-Oak Ridge Dental Arts
Our Featured Partner this month is Oak Ridge Dental Arts. They are welcoming new patients- ask about their new patient specials! Two locations to serve you: Belmont 704-825-9635, and Stanley 704-263-8845

Webb Custom Kitchen is a favorite with a lot of folks here in Gaston county, and with good reason! They were recently included "The 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America for 2018” by Open Table, and featured in Craveable Carolinas magazine.
Shred Day! Got old taxes or confidential papers to shred? It's free for Gaston County residents. Happening this Saturday  March 9th  from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 9, at the Gastonia Farmers Market, 410 E. Long Ave., Gastonia. Goodwill will also be there accepting  laptop computers, desktops computers, monitors, printers, scanners, gaming systems, video games, children’s educational electronic toys, video equipment, mobile phones and flat screen TVs. Please don't bring old model TVs with tubes or any cabinets/floor models.
This pimento cheese bacon burger is available at South Main Kitchen & Tavern at
128 South Main Street Mount Holly. 704-812-8973. See the Gaston Alive print magazine for great coupons!
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