Keeping things in Perspective…


In my short life, I have had the opportunity to be mentored and befriended by some very unique and diverse individuals. One of them recently reminded me of what my thoughts were that provoked me to begin each of my business endeavors. I think this would be a good place to begin this column. Just some quick background, my name is Preston Wilson. My wife, Somer, and I are local entrepreneurs, and we were both born and raised here in Gaston County. We have a passion for development and progress for our city, Belmont, and its surrounding small towns. I have been an entrepreneur for 12 years,and Somer joined me almost 3 years ago. Since she and I have combinedour efforts and energies, I have gone from being an owner and founder ofive companies to being an owner in nine, having sold one. Just somedown home proof that two heads can be twice as creative and productiveas one. As well as founding companies of our own, we have been privilegedto share in the founding and ongoing success of many other localcompanies as advisers, coaches, and all around encouragement. We have often found ourselves committing as much time to the bottom lines of othercompanies as we do our own. We enjoy helping others keep things inperspective. As I am sure that most of you that are business founders and entrepreneurs can relate, each and every endeavor that we have committed to pursue,has been birthed from an experience that was determined to enhance the way people live their lives. Something, or some experience, provoked the thought that “ it “could be done better. A vision of happy people crossed your mind as you were having this thought and smiling to yourself.

Sounds silly, but you can relate. We are, in every way, in the people business. We all have a deep desire and drive to progress and see returns above and beyond our operating expenses- but is this why we exist? I don’t believe that from the day the first thought entered your mind to start your business, you realized you were going to be committing your thoughts and energies to the things that you have found yourself doing and calling your work. As a hairstylist, you believed and desired to make people beautiful. As a restaurant owner, you desired to create a pleasant atmosphere where people could be served a prompt and satisfying meal. When I started in the construction industry, I wanted to create and recreate environments for people to enjoy, at a rapid pace. My thoughts were that people were dissatisfied with projects dragging out with piles of clutter all along the way. It was my objective to change that experience for them. None of us ever anticipated spending our days with our minds on the things that now consume us. Many times our everyday operations and even success can become a setback in our endeavors, if we lose sight of our vision and appreciation for people. A response and service rendered to an individual, has an effect on the bottom line of any operation, be it a gas station or coffee shop, especially in a small town. Remember, mostof us didn’t create our businesses to just for ourselves, our businesses arefor people.Take a trip back to when you began your endeavor. Come out from theshowers of numbers for a little while. Appreciate people. You will
appreciate the effect it has on your business.

Keeping things in perspective,

Care to Comment.. You can reach Preston at: [email protected]